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Privacy policies

Legal Notice – Data Protection Policy

 New data protection law

 1.   Data Protection Policy Day Apartment Group S.L.  fully complies with the current legislation in terms of personal data protection, and with the requirements related with this business activity.

2.   Rights of InformationIf the user decides to book, only the strictly necessary data will be requested to fulfill the activity for which this site is intended, which is only the facilitation of the communication of the contents published in the sites from Day Apartment Group S.L.. Under this principle, in certain cases the user will be requested to fill a form with personal data. The use of this information will be only for this business purposes and always according to the legal requirements. Day Apartment Group S.L. has implemented the necessary technical and organizational means to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data and to avoid the alteration, loss or unauthorized access, regardless of the associated risks of the technology and the nature of the data filed, all according to the Royal Decree 994/1999, June , When clicking in the form page SEND or BOOK the customer explicitly agrees with the use of the data filled, and also if necessary to pass this information to Third Parties in order to be able to render the requested service. By all means Third Party is defined and understood as “persons or business organizations related with the sites from Day Apartment Group S.L. with the intention to render the services offered by the company.

3.   Cookies and IPsThe user agrees with the use of cookies and tracking of the IPs. Our site traffic tracker let us gather statistical data such as: date of the first visit, number of visits, date of the last visit, URL and user’s domain, search engine used and screen resolution. Nevertheless, if the user wishes to do so he or she can deactivate and / or delete these cookies by following the instructions of his or her Internet Explorer.

4.   User’s ConsentIt is understood that the user accept the conditions when he or she clicks SEND; RESERVE AND BOOK in the forms where information is released. The personal data from our users are filed in a data base property of Day Apartment Group S.L., which guarantees the proper means technical and structural to secure the integrity and security of the personal information rendered. In the event of problems with the booking online or if there are any doubts or queries with respect to our privacy policy you may contact us directly at: The personal data use and the exchange of information via electronic means follow strictly the legislation: Ley Orgánica 15/1999,13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal “Personal Data Protection Act” (Published in the “Spanish State Bulletin” B.O.E 14/12/1999) and with the act Ley 34/2002, July 11th, Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico “Services of the Media and Electronic Commerce” (published in the “Spanish State Bulletin” B.O.E. 12/07/2002).

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